Japan 101

What's TODAY?

The story behind Peace Statue in Nagasaki/長崎平和祈念像の舞台裏

Urakami Cathedral destroyed by the second atomic bomb in Nagasaki, 長崎の原爆で破壊された浦上天主堂 August 9 in 1945 was the day whe...
What's TODAY?

Fire to pray for Peace/平和の火

Peace Tower in Hoshino, Yame city, Fukuoka 日本語は英語の後にあります。 August 6 was a truly significant day in the world becau...
Cities & Town

The Original Lily of Casablanca/カサブランカの原種

Brilliant Lily/カノコユリ As you may know, Casablanca is an elegant and gorgeous lily worldwide. Everyone would agree tha...
What makes Japanese?

Are You a Okonomi-yaki person or a Monja-yaki person?/お好み焼き派?もんじゃ焼き派?

Left: Okonomiyaki-yaki, Right: Monja-maki. You may hear of Okonomi-yaki which is known as Japanese style of pancake,...
Cities & Town

Mt. Fuji/富士山

UFO with Mt. Fuji/UFOと富士山 Mt.FujiisthehighestmountaininJapan.Theheightis3,776metersfromthesealevel(roughlyover12,000...

The election is coming soon./もうすぐ選挙

the Diet Building Here in Japan, we are excited about this coming election held on July 10th(next Sunday). Let's ...
What's TODAY?

Ooharai: Unique Purification Practice Around the End of June/大祓い-茅の輪くぐり

It passes almost half of the year.How is your 2022 so far? Here in Japan, there is a unique practice called "Ooh...

Seasonal change of clothing?/衣替え?

Do you remember the robot concierge named Arisa that I introduced before?Actually, I was surprised that she wore a ...
Cities & Town

Rice terraces: Japan’s nostalgic scenes and virgin landscape/棚田:日本の原風景

Western Japan has many rice terraces because of its geographical features. Mountains in western Japan including Kyu...

Seven Deities of Good Fortune/七福神

L: Display of Shitifukujin, R: a statue of Tamon-ten(Bishamon-ten's another name) Believe it or not, Japanese people...