What's TODAY?

What's TODAY?

Tondo-seasonal event/とんど焼き

Tondo held in Shobara city, Hiroshima/広島県庄原市のとんど 日本語は英語の後にあります。 The 15th of January is called "Koshougatsu" which...
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Sports Day/体育の日

No clouds in the sky 2021/10/18 October 10th used to be celebrated as "Sports Day" until 2020(Sports Day has fall...
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Niitakayama nobore 1208/ニイタカヤマノボレ1208

Continuation of the previous blog.How to transmit the signals?An antenna-like structure used to be put at each top....
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The story behind Peace Statue in Nagasaki/長崎平和祈念像の舞台裏

Urakami Cathedral destroyed by the second atomic bomb in Nagasaki, 長崎の原爆で破壊された浦上天主堂 August 9 in 1945 was the day whe...
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Fire to pray for Peace/平和の火

Peace Tower in Hoshino, Yame city, Fukuoka 日本語は英語の後にあります。 August 6 was a truly significant day in the world becau...
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Ooharai: Unique Purification Practice Around the End of June/大祓い-茅の輪くぐり

It passes almost half of the year.How is your 2022 so far? Here in Japan, there is a unique practice called "Ooh...
What's TODAY?

Golden Week and Children’s Day/ゴールデンウィークとこどもの日

Miniature suits of armor called " Yoroi" We are on a long holiday called, the Golden week that starts from April 29 ...
What's TODAY?

What do Japanese people do on Spring Equinox Day?/春分の日は何をする日。

Botamochi offering to ancestors at home altar. Here in Japan, Spring Equinox Day is a holiday. So is the Autumnal Eq...
What's TODAY?

Emperor’s Birthday/天皇誕生日

The view of a part of the Imperial Palace Emperor Naruhito’s birthday falls on February 23rd, which is a national ho...
What's TODAY?

It’s better to eat newly harvested rice right after Labor Thanksgiving Day./新米は勤労感謝の日の後に

The offerings sent from all over Japan were displayed in the premises of Meiji Jingu, a Shinto Shrine.  Labor Thanks...