Travel TipsStrange hotel with Robot receptionists/フロントにロボット『変なホテル』 日本語は英語の後にあります。 Have you ever heard of the Henn na Hotel listed in the Guinness World Records as the world's first ho... 2023.07.04Travel Tips
Travel TipsUmbrella stand/傘立て You may see a chain of umbrella stands in front of museums and exhibitions' sites.Wet umbrellas are not welcome for... 2023.02.14Travel Tips
Travel TipsCapsule Toy/ガチャガチャ You might see some machines of capsule toys at the airports and some stations so that the foreign tourists can spen... 2023.01.17Travel Tips
Travel TipsWhat’s a Goshuin?/御朱印ってなあに。 Goshuin is a stamp as a token for visiting and offering prayers at the shrines and temples becoming popular recentl... 2022.10.04Travel Tips
Travel TipsCan you say how much this coin is?/これはいくらでしょう。 5 yen coin This coin is tricky for foreign travellers because there is no Arabic number on it. This is a 5- yen c... 2022.03.08Travel Tips