Samurai MIKIWould you try to be a samurai?/侍になってみませんか。 日本語は英語の後に続きます。 After 6 months of practice, I passed the grade 3 Kyu which is the first step of Battou jyutsu swo... 2023.03.14Samurai MIKI
Samurai MIKIYabuseme-mounted archery-/流鏑馬 Have you heard of Yabusame or mounted archery?It is a kind of archery while riding a horse.It has been conducted as... 2022.12.27 2023.01.14Samurai MIKI
Samurai MIKIMy Battoudo Experience/抜刀道体験 日本語は英語の下にあります。 What is Battoudo?Like Judo and Kyudo, or Japanese archery, Battoudo is also a part of martial art... 2021.11.09 2023.01.14Samurai MIKI