Myth & Folklore“Amaterasu”-The Japanese Goddess of the Sun/天照大神 The image of Amaterasu 日本語は英語の下にあります。Thanks to Japan’smythfrom"Kojiki"oraRecordofAncientMatters, we could understand... 2021.10.19Myth & Folklore
Myth & FolkloreWasn’t Mt. Fuji once the highest in Japan?/富士山はかつて日本一じゃなかった!? Mt. Fuji taken from the Tomei highway (Fujikawa S.A.)/東名富士川S.Aからの富士山 日本語は英語の下にあります。Long, long ago, a male Kami, or d... 2021.09.07 2021.11.16Myth & Folklore
Myth & FolkloreIchiri Island/一里島 Ichiri Island near Sasebo port (Red-circle) Longlongago,therewereonehundredoffshoreislandsnearSaseboport (Nagasaki p... 2021.02.23 2021.03.03Myth & Folklore
Myth & FolklorePrincess Kaguya/かぐや姫 Longlongago,therewereanagedcouplewithoutachild.Anelderlymanmadebamboobasketsforaliving.Oneday,hewenttoabambooforest... 2021.02.19 2021.03.03Myth & Folklore