CultureSpring has arrived!/春到来! 日本語は英語の後にあります。 Spring has come according to the 24 Solar Terms, even though it is still cold in Japan.Twenty-fou... 2025.02.04Culture
CultureHanging Hina dolls/吊るし雛 日本語は英語の後にあります。 March 3rd is the day to celebrate girls’ good health and happiness called "hina-matsuri... 2024.02.27Culture
Cities & TownJapanese plum blossom Festival/梅祭り 日本語は英語の後にあります。Your image of Japanese flower might be cherry blossom, however Japanese plum blossom are also loved b... 2024.02.13Cities & Town
What's TODAY?Tondo-seasonal event/とんど焼き Tondo held in Shobara city, Hiroshima/広島県庄原市のとんど 日本語は英語の後にあります。 The 15th of January is called "Koshougatsu" which... 2024.01.21What's TODAY?
CultureBelief in Dragon Deity/龍神信仰 Light shaped with dragon at Uto Shrine/鵜戸神社の光の龍神様 This year is the year of the dragon.There are a lot of shrines thr... 2024.01.09 2024.01.10Culture
CultureNew Year’s decoration/正月飾り Kadomatsu decoration/門松 When you come to Japan just before or during the New Year, you will see a pair of the New Ye... 2024.01.02Culture
Cities & TownSymbol of Tokyo/東京のシンボル What comes to mind when you think of Tokyo?I guess there are so many different answers depending on people.Some cho... 2023.12.26Cities & Town
FoodBowl of rice topped with fresh seafoods or sashimi/海鮮丼 Kaisen-son When you hear of "seafood, what kind of fish do you have in your mind?That might betuna,salmon,redseabrea... 2023.12.12Food
TriviaSuperstition no.7-Hide your belly button when you hear the thunder. Otherwise…/雷が鳴ったら、おへそ隠して。 Here is 7th from the series of Superstitions. Hide your belly button when you hear the thunder. Otherwise, it w... 2023.12.05Trivia
FoodThe West and Japan seen in kitchen knives/包丁にみる西洋と日本 Beautiful presentation with superb knife skills/見事な包丁さばきによる美しい盛り付け Washoku, or Japanese cuisine is designated as a U... 2023.11.14Food