What's TODAY?

What's TODAY?

Culture Day/文化の日

日本語は英語の下にあります。Do you know what kind of holiday that falls on November third? According to the law, the national ...
What's TODAY?

Dolls festival/雛祭り-What’s TODAY?- no.4-

Hina dolls (the Emperor, the Empress and three court ladies) that my grandparents gave me A traditionalevent,called“...
What's TODAY?

Emperor’s Birthday/天皇誕生日-What’s TODAY?- no.3-

Chrysanthemum with 16 petals is the Emperor's family crest. The Emperor’s birthday is one of our important national ...
What's TODAY?

National Foundation Day/建国記念の日-What’s TODAY?-no.2-

Miyazaki shrine where Emperor Jinmu and his parents are enshrined Japan’s National Foundation Day falls on February ...
What's TODAY?

Setsubun/節分 -What’s TODAY?- no.1-

Do you know what today (February 2nd, 2021) is?It’s the end of the year, which is called "Setsubun" in Japanese...