
Cities & Town

The Great Buddha of Nara and its nostril/奈良の大仏と鼻の穴

TheGreatBuddhaofNaraisthebiggest in Japan,whichisabout15meterstall,madeofbronze,locatedinTodaijitemple.In addition,...
Travel Tips

What’s a Goshuin?/御朱印ってなあに。

Goshuin is a stamp as a token for visiting and offering prayers at the shrines and temples becoming popular recentl...

Wisdom learned from architecture built in 607A.D./西暦607年創建の建築物から學ぶ智慧

A lattice frame in Horyuji Temple/法隆寺の格子戸 Horyuji temple is the world cultural heritage site registered as Japan's f...

Onigawara(Ogre’s face-shaped tiles)/鬼瓦

Various types of Onigawara/鬼瓦の数々(右から2つ目は梵字付き) Typical Japanese-style houses and temples have tiled roofs.And Onigawa...

Honesty Store/無人販売所

Honesty Store: you can see a security camera in the yellow circle and a safe in the yellow square. Is honesty store ...

Family names/苗字

Have you ever thought about the number of the family names in your country? Japan is said to have around 130,000...

The Lowest Mountain in Japan/日本一低い山

Definitely, everyone knows the name of the highest mountain in Japan. How about that of the lowest mountain in Japa...
Cities & Town

What’s this object for?/これは何のため?

Can you guess what is this melon shaped object for?A hint is that you can see it along a road.We'll give you a few ...

Summer tradition/夏の風物詩

What is your image of Japan's summer? Is there camping, going to beaches or the mountains?That's right!These are...
Cities & Town

The Original Lily of Casablanca/カサブランカの原種

Brilliant Lily/カノコユリ As you may know, Casablanca is an elegant and gorgeous lily worldwide. Everyone would agree tha...