Buddhism and India ink painting

Shikunshi -Four Olympians of Plants-/四君子

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India ink painting is the painting that is skillfully drawn using India ink and water, which means it’s drawn not only with India ink.
It’s said that the origin of India ink painting is the Zen painting.
The famous India ink painter named Setshu was a Zen Buddhist monk.
For your information, other famous Zen Buddhist monks are Ikkyu and Ryokan.

Shikunshi literally means four impeccable persons of virtue.
Four plants such as orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum flowers, and Japanese plum blossom are chosen, which also imply four seasons.
It’s said that each flower symbolizes the way of living with grace as a person of virtue.

 When we start learning India ink painting, Shikunshi is chosen as the subject in order to master the way of brushing and the usage of water and India ink. 


Chrysanthemum flowers/菊

水墨画とは 水と墨を巧に使ってはじめて描ける絵のことです。 墨だでけで描く絵ではありません。
もともとは 禅画が始まりだといわれています。 
かの有名な雪舟さんは 禅宗のお坊さんです。
禅宗のお坊さんで有名人な人は 一休さん 良寛さんです。

四君子  蘭  竹  菊   梅



Artist of India ink painting as well as figure paintings that depict Buddhism and Taoism.

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