“Rokuyo” is a sequence of six days consisting of Sensho, Tomobiki, Senpu, Butsumetsu, Taian and Shakko.
They were used to tell the day’s fortune in the lunisolar calendar.
The days and its corresponding explanations are below.
During Sensho, it would be better to respond proactively.
The morning would be the lucky time of the day, while the afternoon would be the unlucky of the day.
The Tomobiki is the day when one has to engage with friends.
So, it’s a great day for a wedding but a bad day for a funeral.
People have to wait one more day if they have to hold a funeral on Tomobiki.
It seemed to cause the problem in the old days, especially during summer as the body might start to decay.
It’s good to stay with loved ones though.
During Senpu, it’s better that you do things in the afternoon.
It’s also said that it’s better to spend your time quietly and wish nothing bad will happen.
The morning is unlucky, while the afternoon is lucky.
The Butsumetsu is the worst day as the Buddha disappears and no one could help us on this day.
Attending happy events, like weddings, and visiting hospitals should be avoided on this day.
It’s also considered as the day when things end, so it’s a good day to cut ties with certain people and start a new life.
It’s a bad day to start building new houses.
It is also said that if one gets sick it will last longer than usual.
The Taian is the day when everything goes well.
It’s the luckiest day among the six.
So, it’s the best day for weddings.
The Shakko falls on the hour of the “cow” and “tiger”, between 2 a.m and 4 a.m.
This is when the evil spirits appear.
It’s also considered as the worst day because all the things disappear.
But the hour of the “horse”, between 11 a.m. and 1p.m., is a lucky time.
The Shakko literally means red mouth.
Since red is like blood and fire, it brings us death.
It is considered as an unlucky day just like the Butsumetsu.
A sequence of six days is reset on the first day of the month in the lunisolar calendar.
Sensho falls on the first day of January and July.
Tomobiki, Senpu, Butsumetsu, Taian and Shakko fall on the first day of February and August, March and September, April and October, May and November, and June and December, respectively.
The sequence with strong regularity suddenly stops at the first day of the month in the lunisolar calendar.
This usually falls in the middle of the month in the solar calendar.
It makes Rokuyo mysterious and let people believe Rokuyo.
Today, we don’t follow it strictly and obediently anymore.
However, some choose days depending on Rokuyo when holding weddings, funerals, Buddhist memorial services, building new houses, owning cars and so on.
Some of the young people don’t follow Rokuyo, however they heed it because their parents and grandparents advice them or they worry about their public image.
As we mentioned Rokuyo in the past article “June Bride”, most of the weddings are held on Taian and Tomobiki (lucky days).
The couple should start booking a reception hall one year in advance.
Reservations are usually made on the lucky days during the weekends.
On the other hand, some halls offer discounts for the couple who has a wedding party on Butsumetsu because there are less reservations made.
If you wore the same shoes, which day would you choose for a wedding?
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【Translation for language learners of either English or Japanese】/英語・日本語学習者向け翻訳
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I think I will be disoriented if I use this kind of calendar.
Thank you for leaving your comment ^^/
That’s true.
Once you try to follow the calendar, your activities will be limited!