This will be the last tour report because the cherry blossom season is over and I will continuously bring my guests to the mostly same places as you may notice it.
It would be great if you have enjoyed traveling with me.
April 13 Tokyo Metropolis

April 16 Osaka Prefecture

April 17 Osaka Prefecture

April 20 Hiroshima Prefecture

April 22 Kanagawa Prefecture

April 25 Tochigi Prefecture

【Translation for language learners of either English or Japanese】/英語・日本語学習者向け翻訳
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how do you take care of the trees? are they immortal?
Thank you for your message!
These trees seem to live more than hundreds of years as long as they are taken care of better like trimming properly and giving fertilizer. That’s why we might say they are immortal.
However, cherry blossom trees are easy to decay after trimming, so proper timing is required.