
What if your friend invites you to attend the tea ceremony?/もし友達が茶道に誘ってくれたら…

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Japanese sweets that you eat before you drink the tea.

What if your friend invites you to attend the tea ceremony?
Are you ready to go?
Even if  your answer is no, no worries!
You will be ready after you have finished reading this article.

The tea ceremony consists mainly of three parts, making the tea, drinking the tea and appreciating the tea bowl.
When the host is making tea, you will enjoy watching his/her amazing skills while eating Japanese sweets which are served by the host.

When the tea is finally served in front of you, you should follow the procedure below:

  1.  Bow to the server.
  2.  Move the tea bowl between the two(myself and the person next to you who will be served the tea next.).
  3.  Bow while saying “Osakini” means “excuse me for drinking it before you”.
  4.  Bow while saying “Otemae chodai shimasu” means “Thank you for making tea”.
  5.  Hold tea bowl up while saying “Itadakimasu” silently.(refer to the article to know “Itadakimasu”)
  6.  Turn around the tea bowl for twice clockwise (90 degrees) so that the front side of the tea bowl is not used to pay respect to it.
  7.  TSip three and a half times (only as a guide). No drop should remain inside because the tea bowl will be examined later. Making a sound while sipping does not matter.
  8.  With the thumb and index finger, wipe the part of the tea bowl where the mouth touched.
  9.  Then wipe fingers with a paper inserted around the chest.
  10.  Turn around the tea bowl twice counterclockwise (90 degrees) so that the front side of the tea bowl comes back.

Talking about the appreciation of the tea bowl, first, look around the appearance of the tea bowl.
Second, look at the details while holding the tea bowl. The elbows should be placed on the knees so that you will not drop the valuable tea bowls.
Third, check the shape, patterns and producer’s name.
Lastly, bow after finishing the appreciation.

How do you feel?  We hope you will manage that.
The image training might be helpful.
Why don’t you share your experience if you have already had one?
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  1.  お茶を出して下さった方にお辞儀をする。
  2.  次にお茶が出される方との間にお茶碗を置く。
  3.  「お先に」と言いながらお辞儀をする。
  4.  お茶をたてて頂いた感謝の気持ちを込めて「お手前頂戴します」と言いながらお辞儀をする。
  5.  心の中で「戴きます」と言いながら、お茶碗を少し高く掲げ礼を尽くす。
  6.  お茶碗の正面に敬意を表して使わないようにするために、お茶碗を二回時計回りに回す(90度)。
  7.  三口半で啜る(目安として)。後程お茶碗を拝見するので、飲みきる。啜る時に音が出ることは構わない。
  8.  親指と人差し指で、飲み口を拭う。
  9.  それから、懐紙で指を拭う。
  10.  お茶碗が、正面となるように反時計回りに二回(90度)回して戻す。





Good day, I am the founder of Aurora Trip Nippon. Also, I am a Certified National Guide, Certified Tour Conductor, Certified General Travel Service Supervisor, as well as a Kimono Consultant.
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