

Seasonal change of clothing?/衣替え?

Do you remember the robot concierge named Arisa that I introduced before?Actually, I was surprised that she wore a ...

Seven Deities of Good Fortune/七福神

L: Display of Shitifukujin, R: a statue of Tamon-ten(Bishamon-ten's another name) Believe it or not, Japanese people...

Characters before using Kanji?/漢字を使う前の文字?

A set of different characters that the ancient Japanese might use./古代日本人が使っていたかもしれない文字 Interestingly enough, there ...

Is Kanji difficult ?/漢字って難しい?

An example that Kanji is a pictogram./漢字が象形文字である一例 *日本語は英語の後にあります。 AreyouinterestedintheJapan’swritingsystemsbyan...
What's TODAY?

Golden Week and Children’s Day/ゴールデンウィークとこどもの日

Miniature suits of armor called " Yoroi" We are on a long holiday called, the Golden week that starts from April 29 ...

Hidden beauty of Haori/羽織の隠れた美

L: Men's formal kimono including Haori and Hakama, R: An example of the design inside Haori. Have you ever seen male...

The alcove called Tokonoma is an art gallery at home./床の間はプチ美術館

An alcove called "Tokonoma" /床の間 Do you know that Japanese people enjoy observing art at home? Actually, most Jap...

Superstitious belief based on the number of sneezes./くしゃみの数に関する迷信

Do you know that there is a superstition related to sneeze count in Japan? If you sneeze once, it means that you...

New style of working/新しい働き方

Here might be a kind of new style of working in Japan.It’s a private office service called "CocoDesk". You will ...
What's TODAY?

What do Japanese people do on Spring Equinox Day?/春分の日は何をする日。

Botamochi offering to ancestors at home altar. Here in Japan, Spring Equinox Day is a holiday. So is the Autumnal Eq...