

Superstition no.5- Pillow’s Direction /枕の向き

Which direction do you put your pillow?There is the superstition related to it:putting a pillow toward the north wo...
Cities & Town

Yobuko-famous for fresh squids-/新鮮な烏賊で有名な呼子

日本語は英語の後にあります。 Yobuko, Karatsu city in Saga prefecture is located roughly 1,150 km far from Tokyo.It's famous fo...

Superstition no.4- A crow is a messenger of the deity./烏は神の使者

There is the fourth superstition thatsomeone will die when a crow sings.I heard this when I was a child many times,...
Travel Tips

Strange hotel with Robot receptionists/フロントにロボット『変なホテル』

日本語は英語の後にあります。 Have you ever heard of the Henn na Hotel listed in the Guinness World Records as the world's first ho...

Superstition no.3-Hide your thumbs/迷信3-親指隠せ

日本語は英語の後にあります。 There is the superstition: hide your thumbs when you see the funeral car.Otherwise,you could not ...
Cities & Town

Oshino Hakkai/忍野八海

日本語は英語の後にあります。When summer comes, we would like to go somewhere near the water to cool ourselves.Oshino Hakkai might...
Cities & Town

Fireflies and Hydrangeas are the best to see.

日本語は英語の後にあります。 It's in the rainy season in Japan.And then, it's the best season to see hydrangeas and fireflies....
Cities & Town

Chiwata Station: The train station closest to the sea/千綿駅: 海に最も近い駅

Some train stations in Japan are located next to the sea.Chiwata station in Higashisonogi town of Nagasaki prefectu...

Beckoning Cat/招き猫

You may see figurines of beckoning cat (Maneki-neko in Japanese) in shops.It's knows as a lucky amulet.The beliefs ...

Gigantic Geta(clog)/日本一の杉下駄

This is a gigantic cedar clog/ sandal called "Geta" in Japanese.The height is 4.15 m, while the width is 2.1 m.It w...