
Cities & Town

Best time to see chrysanthemums/菊が見頃です

Chrysanthemums with hundreds of flowers blooming from one root/一株から数百の花を咲かせた菊 Now, it's the best time to see chrysan...
Cities & Town

Kilometer zero-All roads in Japan lead to Nihon…/全ての道は◯◯に通ず

Kilometer Zero located in the center of road on the bridge/日本橋の道路の真ん中にある道路元標 Have you ever seen signs on the road th...

Values change as time passes./時代が変われば価値観変わる

Deer in Nara Park/奈良公園の鹿 Today, the deer in Nara is carefully protected as sacred messengers of the deities of Kasug...
What's TODAY?

Sports Day/体育の日

No clouds in the sky 2021/10/18 October 10th used to be celebrated as "Sports Day" until 2020(Sports Day has fall...

Strong tie between the Emperor and the people/天皇陛下と国民の絆

Outer appearance of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto/京都御所外観 When we compared the style of foreign castles and palaces wi...

What’s the third statue of Buddha?/3番目の大仏は?

Takaoka Great Buddha in Daibutsuji Temple Gifu Great Buddha in Shoboji Temple Although there is no consensu...

Great Buddhas/大仏

Nara Great Buddha in Todaiji Temple The Great Buddha of Nara (Todaiji Temple) is the most famous statue of Buddha in...

Superstition no.6- Whistling is the beginning of a thief./口笛は泥棒の始まり

Have you heard of any superstition related to whistling?One of them is "whistling is the beginning of a t...

Musical road/メロディーロード

We'll share an interesting attraction called Melody Road or Musical Road.When you've never heard of it, please chec...
Cities & Town

Miracle Japanese religious spirit/驚くべき日本人の宗教心

Oura Church@World Cultural Heritage Site/大浦天主堂@世界遺産 Believe it or not, there was an amazing story that some Japanese...